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Muscletech Mass Tech

  • 編號:7lbs
  • 上架日期:2016-04-09
  • 產品狀態:現貨供應




Muscle Tech MASS TECH

MASS TECH提供63克蛋白質.多階段蛋白質系統,供應快,提高蛋白質對身體提供關鍵氨基酸的速度.1000卡路里,來自高質量的蛋白質和快速消化碳水化合 物.5克支鏈氨基酸,幫助保護你的骨骼肌肉,保持肌肉糖原存儲,並有助於減少蛋白質分解.5克 OMEGA-RICH脂肪,全方位配方含有更少的脂肪,omega-rich 5g脂肪能夠提供高能量的卡路里.


MuscleTech Performance Series Mass Tech is an advanced muscle mass gainer designed for any individual that has a tough time adding size or in their bulking size.

Power-packed with 80 grams of protein and ridiculously high mass-producing calories when mixed with 475ml of skimmed milk, this potently superior formula is perfect for helping you with your training.

The high-calorie concentrate can be used either during post or pre-exercise sessions for better results. Due to a rich source of BCAA, it feeds your skeletal muscles, helps greatly in complete protein absorption and heals any muslce injury caused during strenuous workout sessions. With a rich source of complex carbohydrates, it promotes insulin levels, glycogen storage to gain more muscle mass and upholds them in an anabolic state.

It is highly recommended for hardcore athletes to build muscle volume more rapidly.


For more information please visit the official website.