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BMXX Rocket Testo Booster睪酮素粉劑270g

  • 編號:001914
  • 上架日期:2020-08-21
  • 品牌歸類:BMXX
  • 產品狀態:現貨供應




BMXX Rocket Testo Booster



▶️ 專為男性設計的營養補充劑,如蒺藜、瑪咖根粉人參根粉等提取物,能有助增強男性活力和維持肌肉密度,增加肌肉量。

Nutritional supplements specially designed for men, such as tribulus terrestris, maca root powder, ginseng root powder and other extracts, can help enhance male vitality and maintain muscle density and increase muscle mass.

▶️ 加入鋅和維生素B6,有助提高體內游離睪酮水平,有助肌肉合成及減少疲勞和疲憊。

Add zinc and vitamin B6 to help increase the level of free testosterone in the body, help muscle synthesis and reduce fatigue and exhaustion.

▶️ 添加100mg β-丙氨酸,主要功效則是提高肌肉内的肌肽濃度,以便能減緩運動所造成的肌肉疲勞,增强訓練强度。

Adding 100mg Beta-Alanine, the main effect is to increase the concentration of carnosine in the muscles, so as to reduce the muscle fatigue caused by exercise and enhance the training intensity.

▶️ 含40mg咖啡因,100mg苦橙果實提取物,提高集中力加強運動表現,促進體內產熱與燃脂,抑制食慾。

Contains 40mg of caffeine, 100mg of bitter orange fruit extract, improves concentration and enhances exercise performance, promotes heat production and fat burning in the body, and suppresses appetite.

▶️ 建議用法:將9克ROCKET粉與250毫升冷水混合。作為食品補充劑,主餐前每天食用1份。食用12週後,停2週。


Directions: Mix 9 g ROCKET powder with 250 ml cold water. As a food supplement, consume 1 serving daily before the main meal. After 12 weeks consumption take 2 weeks off.
*If there is sediment or a slightly bitter taste, it is due to the properties of maca powder, which is a normal phenomenon.
