蒺藜 60粒裝硬丸
▶️ BMXX的TRIBULUS是一種特殊配方,幫助增強肌肉力量,尤其是對運動員而言。是一種非常受歡迎的草本植物。
BMXX's TRIBULUS is a special formula to help build muscle strength, especially for athletes. is a very popular herb.
▶️ 每粒TRIBULUS可提供2000mg 蒺藜和含30%皂苷。
Each capsule of TRIBULUS provides 2000mg of Tribulus and contains 30% saponins.
▶️ 含皂苷也含有類似氮的化合物,可通過多種代謝過程參與氮平衡。
Saponins also contain nitrogen-like compounds that can participate in nitrogen balance through various metabolic processes.
▶️ 蒺藜促進睾酮分泌有着非常好的效果,增加肌肉力量和持久力。
Tribulus terrestris has a very good effect on promoting testosterone secretion, increasing muscle strength and stamina.
▶️ 建議用法:作為食物補充劑,最好每天早晨服用1片,同時加一杯水。為了獲得最佳效果,在訓練日開始活動前30分鐘要多吃一粒。
Suggested Use: As a food supplement take 1 tablet daily with meal with a glass of water, preferably in the morning. For best results, on the training days consume one more tablet 30min before beggining activity.
Serving Size: 1 tablet-maximum 2 tablets daily。