Saturn DHEA
青春素(脫氫表雄酮) - 120 粒裝膠囊
▶️ DHEA(脫氫表雄酮/Dehydroepiandrosterone)
▶️ 增強體力,使身體機能回復青春。
Enhance physical strength and restore youthful body functions.
▶️ 改善疲勞和情緒,精神倍增。
Improve fatigue and mood, and boost your spirits.
▶️ 幫助建造肌肉。
Helps build muscle.
▶️ 維持骨骼健康,強化免疫系統。
Maintain bone health and strengthen the immune system.
▶️ 建議用法:每日服1次,每次服1粒,餐後服更佳或遵醫囑。
Directions: Take 1 capsule once a day, preferably after meals or as directed by your doctor.
*(Cannot be used in combination with testosterone-related supplements, high doses or long-term use)